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Gaurang Portfolio

About me- I am a Data and Analytics professional looking to solve business problems using statistics, Machine Learning and data centric approaches with 6+ years of pricing and strategic intiatives experience. This page is a set of the blog articles I have written as case studies which address common business problems such as forecasting time series, simulating uncertainity with various scenarios and using clustering approaches to segmentation.

Time Series Forecasting

  1. Time Series Forecasting Holt Winters and Moving Averages
  2. Time Series with Seasonality and Trend (ARIMA Models)


  1. Hypotheis Testing and Confidence Intervals using Python
  2. Modelling Uncertainity-: Monte Carlo simulations using excel and Python
  3. Managing Attrition-: An introduction to survival Analysis

Machine Learning

  1. Segmentation using RFM framework (Kmeans Clustering)
  2. Finding the most impactful features in a dataset using Mutual Information Regression criterion
  3. Dimension Reduction using Principal Component Analysis
  4. Introduction to Tree based models
  5. Managing Attrition-: Paramteric Survival Models

Software Development for Data scientists

  1. Introduction to modular code and package developmentin Python